We have a new job around our house! Not only are we guard dogs, but we are now also babysitters!! This new job keeps us very busy and explains why we haven't posted in a while! A LONG while.... pretty much we haven't posted since a week before our brothe came to live with us! He requires a lot more work than us, but we are helping Mom and Dad out! We have fun jobs as pillows, and we also keep watch on the little one.
The Puppies
How khute!
Did the stork bring him?
Or is he a reskhue puppy?
Sure you have a hard work!
And I can see you do it pretty good!
Kisses and hugs
I have good news for you - there are a lot of crumbs coming your way! :)
well hewo there
thank you furry much for visiting ush and leaving your kind words yesterday
we furry much appreicate them and hope we can be furryends??
we cant wait to see more adorabull pikshures of the puppies
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
guero,coco chanel,brinks.bella and lucky
We missed you guys so much! But we totally understand you have been busy as babysitters/face cleaners!
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