Today we went to daycare, got baths, and then hung out with Mom and Dad in the mancave to celebrate our blogaversary! We were having so much fun that we almost forgot to actually blog!!! Whoops!!! So just before midnight, when it will no longer be our 1 year anniversary of blogging, we said... Mom take pictures so we can post!!!!

But 11:15 is kind of late for us so we are all trying to stay up and it isn't easy!

Did I mention we got new toys? We now have a monkey and a dragonfly-rope thingy to add to our collection! And we were so excited about our blogaversary that we didn't destroy them the first night we got them!!!!

But that could also be because we were really sleepy from daycare!!!

I mean... REALLY sleepy!!! Marshman was so sleepy that he let Mom take his picture. . . .

But how cute is Maggie in this picture??? Nothing like a sleepy BT!
Well, we are up super late for us, so we are going to actually go into our beds to sleep but hope everyone had a great Friday!
The Puppies