Ok, so my tale of torture continues... last week, in the middle of the night, i started breathing really heavy and woke mom and dad up. they listened to my breathing, woke me up, and i was still breathing really heavy and i didn't want to stay awake. so of course, they are worriers and called the emergency V-E-T to see if i needed to go for a midnight ride somewhere. Well, we didn't go, but i continued breathing really heavy for about an hour. So then i got a trip to my
V-E-T the next day, who of course recommended a cardiologist, so then i got to go to another
V-E-T, who gave me this 24 hour heart monitor that i had to have strapped to my chest. So i got to wear my pretty sweater for a day. don't i look cute?
Then the rest of the torture. . .mom and dad had to take this stupid, mean, clingy device off. Part of my torture is documented, but mom and dad didn't have the heart to tape the whole thing, because the end of the video gets VERY difficult to watch. It is below after the pictures of my triumph over that stupid torture device!!!
Those sticky things were VERY hard to get off, but i will spare you the pain of that part of my torture.
The important thing is i got to enact my revenge upon that mean ole machine!!!
It didn't stand a chance!!!!
And here is the video i was referring to earlier. Watch if you are brave!!!
Note from Opal's mom: apparently boxers are prone to cardiac problems, so we decided to do this preliminary test after her breathing episode. If i had known how much it would suck to take it off afterwards, i would have debated doing it. I called the vet, but they had no suggestions except to just struggle through taking off the bandage! Argh. Thank god Opal is a sweet dog, but we just felt terrible the entire time. she is okay now and seems to have forgiven us for the torture. They definitely need to start using better bandages though, because it took out so much of her hair when coming off.
Mom and Dad got a wonderful tree and put it in the house this week..... we watched them decorate, and offered to help, but since our "help" involved taking the ornaments and running around with them, Mom and Dad said they could do without our help (so rude aren't they?) Anyway, this is Marshall's ornament that he made last year...... This is an ornament with maggie playing golf.....
This is a doghouse with our names on the door.... (although we sleep in Mom and Dad's bed!)
This is us on the tree......Aren't we cute??
This is Marshall by a tree....
This is Marshall's head which our Auntie Rene made (isn't it cool??)
These are the stockings.....
Here is Opal's stocking......
This is the tree from far away..... (From Opal: notice there aren't any boxer specific ornaments! Or even a boxer specific stocking!! harumph!)
Then, Mom and Dad made us put on some crazy Xmas headgear!!! Why do they torture us so??
Our Uncle Chad gave us a lovely new stuffie of a parrot this weekend. Isn't it cute?
Opal got a hold of it and she destroyed it in less than 10 minutes......
Poor little guy-- never had a chance!!! Mom took video of it so you could see her destuffing powers!! There are two videos and one is a little long because mom never gets tired of watching that sort of thing! We said that mom should have waited to submit this picture to Lickedtoys.com, because this was way more destruction than that flea from the other day!!!
On a totally difference note, we got awards from our new friend Sofie we wanted to put up!!! Aren't they pretty??
We know these awards have been around the block, but we haven't had them before, so we want to pass them along to our friend Khyra!!! Thanks so much Sofie!!
Anyway, our friend Belle (cousin/sister) visited last night and we have pics to post but Mom has to upload them onto the computer for us, so we will post later!!! Have a great Wednesday everypup!!!
But we put Opal on the job, and he didn't last very long..... his stuffing on the carpet is all that's left....
We got another new stuffie.... he is a duck with a star-studded helmet and a red cape. Opal and I were very interested in this new stuffie...
Very interested.....
How could we not be? He makes such a wonderful noise... but sadly, there is no video to go along with this post because Mom and Dad didn't take any....
Marshall got a new haircut this week too, but he didn't feel like posing for any pictures....but Mom snuck one in while she could
We are having an awesome week so far!!! Hope every pup is having fun out there!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! We are giving thanks because we will have both Mom and Dad at home during the week and that NEVER happens!!!!
I had to get a bath the other day, and I ask you, does any other puppy have to endure such agony??? I HATE BATHS!!! It takes at minimum two people to bathe me because one has to hold me in the bathtub while the other one cleans me. . . .
And my sister kept watching me and my silly Mom kept taking my picture!!! Is that really fair?? I don't think it is!!!!
Opal even tried to drink the fresh water before i got to use it to get the soap off!!! What's wrong with her? That's just weird.
Won't someone come rescue me?
p.s. I didn't know this but Mom took some video too, so i am going to post it.... she also said I had to mention that I get hives and I have special soap that has to stay on for 10 minutes once its on, so Dad and Uncle aren't torturing me on purpose in this video. oh, and the sound might be a little loud so you may want to turn down the volume when you watch it!!!
We got this lovely award from our friend Petra, (who, btw, is looking oh so cute at her blog with her new collar) and we love it!!!! We love her blog too!!! Thanks so much Petra!!! Maybe one day Mom will teach us (or will learn herself!) how to put this award as a button/badge on the side of our blog so everyone can see it for a long time!!! (are you getting this hint Mom??) We know this award has been around a while and many puppies have probably already gotten it, but we love all the puppies' blogs that we read daily (or as often as mom and dad let us at the computer) so please consider it for all of you!!!
On another note, Marshall cheated on us girls and went to Bark for a Park on Sunday (an event to raise money for a dog park in Birmingham, which we think is a VERY worthy cause since there aren't any) and hung out with two girls that were not his sisters.... and it looks like he had an awesome time!!!
This is Mabel. . . .
This is Mabel giving Marshall lots of kisses (i think she liked him!!!)
And this is Bernadette (Bernie)!!
We guess it is good for the Marsh Man to get his alone time, but hey, why couldn't we bark for a park too?? We will certainly be using it when it finally gets finished!!!
We love Saturday mornings, but this Saturday morning was special!!! Mom got up this morning and felt like being productive so she got out her needle and thread and got busy repairing our toys!!! (Yes, our new toys already needed repairing and we had one old one that needed help too). See how excited we are to watch mom sew . . . .
When are you gonna be finished, huh??
This is how the martian man looked before Mom started with him. Fortunately, he has a foot on now, but we don't have any pictures of this to share of its repair, because immediately after she fixed it, we took it and kind of broke it again!!!!
Now we are just waiting for the football game tonight so we can go watch the Bama game!!!
The Puppies
oh, and pee..... ess.... Mack, we found the martian at Superpetz. it surprised us that there was something there that was soo cool, because normally they don't have anything. We asked mom about the store you mentioned, but she had never heard of it, although it sounds really cool and for hip pups, which we consider ourselves to be!! So we are going to have to work on getting one of those in Birmingham!!!!
Mom and Dad got back and picked us up on Monday from the V-E-T, where we had to get our annual shots, so that was no fun!!! But since then, we have been going to daycare all this week, and we have been SOOOOO tired when we come home, we don't have the energy to pick up the computer and blog about it! But, Mom and Dad did get us some new toys, so we had to show them off, since we like them sooo much! Amazingly enough, they are still in one piece, so that shows you how tired we have been from daycare this week!!!
Here i am enticing Maggie to play with me: Here i am enjoying one of the new toys:
Here I am trying to find a way to destroy this new toy......
Here Maggie is working on the other new toy.....
And here we are telling Mom to leave us alone so we can play with our new toys!!!!
We got boarded at the V-E-T today! :( Mom and Dad are going to Baton Rouge to visit family, and they didn't take us....why not? they got dogs in Louisiana too, right??? xoxoxoxox, The SAD Puppies
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