Saturday, July 5, 2008

Coming home from our walk.....

These pictures are from our return from our lovely walk we took yesterday!! Boy was it hot!! Hope everyone else stayed cool yesterday!!!

I didn't want Mom to take a picture of me laid out flat on the floor here, but she tried to get one!!!
Stay cool today where possible! Mom and Dad have promised us a trip to a park today- we can't wait!!!
The Puppies


Bella the Boxer said...

You guys look like you're sweltering!! It's raining here so I'm sleeping all day (yawn)...

xoxo - Bella

Harry Pugalicious said...

Hot dogs! You should get your Mom to bring you to Rojo sometime. We could have a play date! I know y'all would behave. I just know it!

Joe Stains said...

omdog it is so so hot here too!!

Chef said...

Hey Pupsters! I know that feeling -the panting and the tongue hanging all out... us squashy faced dogs have a tough time in the heat. Stay cool!!
